Occasional Cloudy Urine
This morning, the urine was cloudy was I awoke but has been fine every since. Tharun, Urologist replied 6 years ago HI Evelyn, This seems to be due to dehydration during which the kidney tries to save the minerals and salts by producing a concentrated urine which looks cloudy.
Blood or red colored urine, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Pain with urination. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms blood or red colored urine, cloudy urine with strong odor and pain with urination including Urinary tract infection (UTI), Hemophilia, and Kidney infection (pyelonephritis). Acute cystitis, sometimes referred to as a urinary tract infection (UTI), is a sudden.
Milky or cloudy urine in men can be an indicator of the presence of an infection or certain ailments. The color of normal urine can vary in color ranging from water-like clear to dark amber-colored. It may be noted that the color of urine is generally dependent on the level of ammonia and hydration in the body.
It is important to remember that cloudy urine in men, by itself, is not a disease, but a possible indication of underlying conditions. Changes in urine color can however result in discomfort when accompanied by increased desire to urinate or burning sensations or pain during urination.
Cloudy urine in men is most likely to occur during the mornings due to increased concentration of urine caused by depleted levels of fluids in the body.

Causes of cloudy urine in men
- Cloudy urine in men can result from dehydration. Men are more likely to experience loss of fluids from the body due to increased sweating, physical activities and exercises, etc. The water levels in the body can also get depleted due to decreased intake of water, thereby causing dehydration
- Cloudy urine in men can also result from excessive intake of vitamin supplements. Vitamin C, vitamin B and other water soluble vitamins may get stored in the only in minimal amounts, or may not get stored at all, thereby getting eliminated via urine and giving it a cloudy appearance
- Proteinuria is a condition characterized by excessive levels of proteins in urine. It is another cause of cloudy urine in men. Men affected by proteinuria must visit a doctor for diagnosis and effective treatment
- Cloudy urine in men that is accompanied by a foul odor is caused due to occurrence of increased amounts of phosphate crystals in urine. It is a harmless disorder generally caused due to excessive intake of asparagus, beet or large quantities of milk containing higher phosphate percentage. The precipitation of the phosphate crystals is what leads to milky or cloudy urine in men.
- Urinary tract infections by different pathogens can lead to cloudy urine in men along with other symptoms such as burning sensations during urination, fever, flank pain, frequent urination, etc. A visit to a doctor is necessary to treat cases of UTIs.
- Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that increases the concentration of bacteria in urine and causes cloudy urine in men as well as women.
- Infections of the bladder which result in conditions such as cystitis can lead to elimination of cloudy urine in men. The cloudy appearance of urine is usually caused due to increased presence of white blood cells in urine. Other associated symptoms of bladder infections include chills, fever, burning sensation while urinating, etc.
- Inflammation of the prostate gland, kidney stones, and occurrence of mucus in urine are some of the other reasons for cloudy urine in men.
Treatment of cloudy urine in men
- Cloudy urine in men is treated as per the underlying causes of the symptom.
- Bacterial infection of the urinary tract is treated with antibiotics
- Painkillers are given to ease pain during urination
- Good genital and personal hygiene as well as intake of lots of fluids is recommended to alleviate the conditions associated with cloudy urine in men.
Cloudy urine causes are numerous, and can be different in each situation. In this article we try to shed some light on most common cloudy urine causes:
1. Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the most common causes of cloudy urine symptoms. When your body does not have adequate amounts of water, your urine may become dark and cloudy.
2. Urinary Tract Infections
UTIs are common causes of urine cloudiness, and these infections may require medical attention to cure. Male urinary tract infections are not as common but do occur.
3. Water Soluble Vitamins
Cloudy Urine Webmd
Some vitamins are water soluble, and can cause cloudy urine. These include all the B vitamins and Vitamin C.
4. Diabetes
Cloudy urine and diabetes can go hand in hand for some individuals. If you have diabetes and notice your urine is dark or cloudy you should consult your physician.
5. Pregnancy
If you are pregnant then you must be aware that pregnancy and cloudy urine can be related. Sometimes during this period your body may be flushing certain nutrients and compounds which give your urine a cloudy appearance. This normally passes after the birth of the baby.
6. Medications
Certain drugs and medications can be cloudy urine causes. There are many of these being prescribed, and the insert for the drug may list cloudy urine as a side effect.
7. Chemicals
Certain chemicals can cause cloudy urine symptoms. If you work with chemicals or use them frequently at home or in your hobbies make sure to limit your chemical exposure as much as possible.
8. Kidney Stones
Kidney stones can be one of those cloudy urine causes. These stones may release minerals that cause urine to cloud up.
Cloudy Urine With Odor
9. Other Kidney Malfunctions and Diseases
Some cloudy urine causes are the result of poor kidney function If you have a kidney disease or damage, your kidneys may not filter out the particulates effectively and your urine may look cloudy.
10. Goodpasture Syndrome
Although this disorder is not common it is one of the cloudy urine causes seen commonly by doctors. This disease damages your kidneys, and can cause your urine to become cloudy.