Slot Machine Games Ps4

Slot Machine Games Ps4 Rating: 6,8/10 1742 votes
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Love Sony PlayStation? Love casino games? Want to enjoy both at the same time? It turns out you can, thanks to a range of great casino-themed games for PS4.

One of the reasons for the popularity of the PS4 console is that it acts as a gateway to a world of entertainment. As all PlayStation owners know, you can find virtually any type of theme among the vast catalog of PS4 games.

Likewise, online casinos have become extremely popular thanks to the sheer variety of games on offer. Go to any online casino and you’ll find countless slots, card games, table games, and live games, as well as access to partnering bingo and sports betting sites. The options are endless. Click here for your first try.

3D Slots – Slot games with top quality 3D graphics and incredible soundtracks. 3D slots usually offer a storyline and tend to have an opening sequence, a shot intro to the animated world the games takes place in. They present amazing visual effects that along with the game. The Four Kings Casino and Slots This is undoubtedly one of the most popular casino games on the console (it has a whopping 11K ratings on the official PlayStation Store), and it’s certainly one of the best too.

PlayStation game manufacturers have long understood the attraction of casino-themed games. Following is our list of the four best casino games for PS4.

  1. The Four Kings Casino and Slots

Four Kings takes the crown for the best casino and slots-themed game on PS4, if you’ll pardon the pun. Released by Digital Leisure Inc. in 2015, this game is a social MMO that immerses the player in an incredibly realistic casino experience. At the start, you’ll need to create a personalized 3D avatar that represents you at this virtual casino. As you gain more experience, you’ll have the chance to further customize your appearance.

Slot Machine Games Ps4

The Four Kings Casino and Slots aims to simulate a real-life Vegas casino, with all sorts of popular casino games. Options include Texas Hold’em poker, blackjack, roulette, bingo, instant keno, slots, and other games commonly found in physical and online casinos. Like a real casino, you can play at your own pace, stop to socialize with other players, and find your way into the VIP rooms where the high rollers gamble for high stakes.

  1. High Roller Casino

The original version of High Roller Casino was an extremely popular casino-themed pinball game developed by Stern Pinball Arcade in 2001. The latest version, released by Stern in 2017, rivals Four Kings as an all-round PS4 casino game that simulates the glitz and glamor of a real Vegas casino.

Slot Machine Games Ps4 Multiplayer

This game’s strength is its graphics and audio effects, which closely mimic the sights and sounds of famous Vegas casinos like The Venetian and Bellagio. Games include blackjack, poker, hi-lo, and craps – providing a bit of differentiation from rival PS4 Game Four Kings. There’s also a roulette wheel and slot machine.

Slot Machine Games Ps4 Multiplayer

  1. Pure Hold’Em

The year 2015 was a good one for casino-themed PlayStation games, including the launch of VooFoo Studios’ Pure Hold’Em. This game is one of a series of games in VooFoo’s Pure catalog, including Pure Pool and Pure Snooker. It is the first dedicated Texas Hold’em poker game to make it to PS4, and it does a great job of simulating a real casino poker experience.

Manufacturers VooFoo thought of virtually everything with this game. Players can use the DualShock4 touchpad to view their cards, look at opponents, and attempt to read what other players are thinking. In that respect, this game is way more sophisticated than just your standard online casino poker game.

  1. Prominence Poker

This isn’t so much a casino-themed game as a casino-game-themed game, but it deserves a mention. Prominence Poker introduces players to an underground world where poker rules the day. The aim of the game is to hustle your way into underground poker rooms and win enough games to earn a showdown with The Mayor, the town’s mysterious leader. Prominence Poker is a unique but interesting combination between mafia-themed games and casino-themed games.

Slot Machine Games Ps4

It’s the secret every gambler wants to know: when a slot machine is going to pay out big. While some casinos will advertise that their slot payout rate is as high as 95%, you have to keep in mind this may only apply to certain machines.

And that payout may only be a few extra bucks for every $100 you feed into the machine. How do you know when a slot machine will hit big? Although there are no easy answers, here are a few tips on increasing your odds.

First, Some Bad News

There really is no definitive way to know when a slot machine will deliver a jackpot or handpay win. Slot machines operate according to a random number generator that determines if a spin is a winner and thus, require no tactical skill; you put your money in and spin. Any spin can be a big winner—or cause you to lose your bet.

But you can at least increase your chances of coming home with extra money in your pocket with these tips:

Look For Machines With Huge Unpaid Jackpots

At the top of just about every slot machine, you’ll see the potential jackpots you can win and notice the numbers creeping up as more people play it. If you see a machine with a really sizeable top jackpot that’s at least five figures long, that may be a good sign. Machines with smaller jackpots most likely had a big winner recently and are less likely to dole out a jackpot any time soon.

Play Machines Near High-Traffic Areas


There’s an unconfirmed rumor that many casinos will place looser machines near high-traffic areas such as the entrance to a slot area or ones near walkways. That way when other players passing buy see someone winning, they are more likely to stop and play, padding the casino’s profit. It’s still no guarantee you’ll win this way, but it’s worth trying machines in these areas to see if they’re paying out.

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Watch For Winning Patterns

Machines that have been tight for some time are eventually going to pay out. If you’ve been playing a machine and you get a few sizeable wins, it’s worth doing a few back-up spins just in case to see if you get another bonus, which is when big money is often won.

In fact, it’s well watching any number of slot players on YouTube who have won jackpots to study how the machines they won on usually give them a few good wins and bonuses before rewarding them with a huge windfall. This is also a good way to discover new slot machines you may not have tried before that look like fun.

But Know When to Walk Away

If you get too many “naked” (non-winning) spins in a row and you see your money dwindling down, it may be worth cashing out your voucher and trying a different machine. Again, if you watch slot channels online you’ll notice no matter how much money some users feed into certain machines they just don’t get anything back. Know when to walk away and try another.

Sometimes you just need to go with your gut and see what slots you are drawn to no matter how popular or unpopular it seems to be. And if you need to get a fix in between casino visits, you can get it on sites such as where you can play online casinos.

So, How Do You Know When a Slot Machine Will Hit?


If you’re still asking yourself how do you know when a slot machine will hit, make peace with not knowing the answer. Ultimately, you should detach yourself from the outcome and visit a casino just to have fun. Bring a set amount of money with you and stick to it so you don’t come home empty-handed.

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For more gambling tips, check out our Entertainment posts.

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