Results Trump Biden

Results Trump Biden Rating: 5,9/10 8489 votes

In Virginia Beach, Virginia, the results flipped, and a four-point Trump win in 2016 became an eight-point Biden win in 2020. We’ll also want to take a deeper dive into the Big City shift toward Trump, if it holds when all the data are in. Perhaps Trump peeled off some Black or Latino voters in those communities. In Virginia Beach, Virginia, the results flipped, and a four-point Trump win in 2016 became an eight-point Biden win in 2020. We’ll also want to take a deeper dive into the Big City shift toward Trump, if it holds when all the data are in. Perhaps Trump peeled off some Black or Latino voters in those communities.

Results Trump BidenTrump
  • Joe Biden’s victories in the US presidential election battlegrounds of Arizona and Wisconsin were officially recognised on Monday, handing Donald Trump six defeats out of six in his bid to stop.
  • President Donald Trump inched closer to former Vice President Joe Biden in Arizona as results from Thursday's ballot counting were released, but he fell off the pace needed to win the state's 11.

Californians have picked Joe Biden over President Trump at a rate of nearly 2 to 1. While there are still some votes to be counted, here are the latest precinct results from Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura counties.


This page was made by Iris Lee, Vanessa Martínez, Casey Miller and Rahul Mukherjee. It was published on Nov. 5, 2020. Precinct results are from county election offices.

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Results Trump Biden

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Election Results Trump Biden


Election Results Trump Biden

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