Occasional Criminal

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Lombroso developed a typology of four basic types of criminals; the born criminal, the criminal by passion, the insane criminal and the occasional criminal.11 Enrico Ferri set forth his theory of ‘criminal causation’ in 1881 in his publication Studies in Criminality in France. The theory recognises three 4. Caldwell (1956: 57) has given the following characteristics of a professional criminal: 1. Crime is his main source of livelihood: He devotes his full working time and energy to it and constantly attempts to improve his skills. He tries to specialise in one or two crimes. He normally obeys the law, except when it interferes with his crime. ReferencesAbelson, Elaine S.2000. “Shoplifting and Kleptomania.” Pp. 243–44 in Encyclopedia of Women and Crime, ed. Rafter, Nicole Hahn. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx.Ad. In Politics, Scamps, Saboteurs and the Occasional Criminal MERRY PRANKSTERS Dick Tuck was known for tormenting Nixon. James O'Keefe III, arrested in a phone caper last week, cut his teeth with his.

depicting an accused person that is deemed to be suffering from cognitive illness or fault which frees then of lawful accountability for the unlawful behaviors they supposedly engaged in. In modern day, this terminology is used infrequently.

CRIMINALLY INSANE: 'Bridgewater State Hospital is located in Massachusetts and boards those people deemed by a court of law to be criminally insane.'

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Cite this page: N., Pam M.S., 'CRIMINALLY INSANE,' in PsychologyDictionary.org, April 7, 2013, https://psychologydictionary.org/criminally-insane/ (accessed February 1, 2021).


The objectives of launching this ‘Occasional Paper Series’ by the Center for Criminal Justice Research at IIT Kanpur is to encourage and promote research publications about criminal justice issues of India. A large number of police officers, researchers and practitioners in the country are conducting exciting research on problems peculiar to India. Their creativity and innovations are not been recognized due to the limitations of publishing articles related to scholarship emanating from India. The inherent bias of western publications that focus upon issues related to Global North and reluctance of editors to support research influenced by challenges of the historical, social and post-colonial reality of India prevents excellent research from being published. This Occasional Paper Series seeks to highlight and recognize Indian researchers and practitioners working in the growing field of criminal justice. The Series will publish high quality analytical, empirically based research articles, essays, reports, conference presentations, commentaries and short manuscripts that contribute to the understanding of research on criminal justice issues of India. All published papers will be original contributions and subject to rigorous peer review and will be of interest to a large audience of researchers, practitioners and concerned citizens interested in issues of crime, deviance and its control mechanism in the country. The Series will be an online open access form published regularly.


Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be original contributions and related to criminal justice issues of India. A minimum word length of 800 is required exclusive of references, footnotes etc. While no writing style is prescribed but it must follow the general pattern of sociology/ political/ criminology journals of India. Authors must ensure that the research work is fully referenced and provide accurate contact details for any queries or investigations that may arise, pre- or post-publication. The source of all data and third-party material must be properly cited. It is the responsibility of the author[s] to obtain written permission for re-use from relevant copyright holders, if applicable. The copyright of Occasional Papers is reserved with the Indian Institute of Technology- Kanpur. Reproduction is permitted provided an acknowledgement is made. The views expressed in the publications will be those of the authors and will not reflect the views of the Editorial Committee or of IIT Kanpur. Moreover, the responsibility for the accuracy of events and incidents contained in the contributions will rest with the author(s).
All submissions must be addressed to arvindcjus@cse.iitk.ac.in.

Occasional Criminal Definition


Occasional criminal definition

Dr. Arvind Verma [former IPS], Visiting Prof IITK

Occasional Criminals Meaning

Occasional Criminal Examples

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